Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bravo Orbea (x5)!

(Orca...whale, get it?)

Sponsorship Director Joao Correia reached into his magic hat and pulled out 5
Orbea Orca's for exclusive use by the CRCA Jr Development "A" team this season. We love Orbea for a number of reasons, not the least because they have been extraordinarily generous to us. Orbea's are beautiful, handmade bikes that go rather well with our kit (think stylish blue accents) but most importantly the company itself is a worker-owned cooperative. Our relationship with Orbea allows CRCA Junior Development to pursue our goal of developing a stable of bikes for distribution to incoming development riders. At the end of the season the old bikes will be given to new riders while the "A" squad will receive a fresh crop. Major props to Tony Karklins at Orbea, Joao Correia and the Bicycling Magazine crew for setting this up.
(Update: it has since come to my attention -courtesy of one of the juniors who actually notices these subtle branding nuances- that the bikes Orbea is providing us with are Opals not Orcas. Oops. The whales stay.)

Monday, January 8, 2007

Introducing: Liam Quigley

Liam's brainchild: The Laguardia Cycling Association.

Liam Quigley has never ridden in a bike race, but this 16-year-old Laguardia High School junior has already done more for the sport of cycling than many of us older, jaded riders can boast. Liam started a fledgling high school cycling club that now comprises over 30 members. The Laguardia Cycling Association serves as an entrée to the sport for Liam's colleagues. Liam and co-president Ming Lin started the club in the fall of 2005 with a fun ride entitled "The Tour de IHOP." That year 10 students showed up. This year the Tour de IHOP was 24 strong.
The LAGCA has bucked cycling's typical gender bias, the majority of its members are women. Liam steadfastly denies that his charisma has anything to do with this.
Look for Liam on the starting line this season at CRCA club races and area senior events in Organic Athlete team kit. Organic Athlete Director Sportif Jack Baranski -- a graduate of Laguardia High himself -- has generously taken on Liam and fellow neophyte junior Khary Ward of Brooklyn. Liam and Khary will be racing in the blue and white of the CRCA Junior Development squad in all area USCF open Junior Events.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

2007 Target Races

3/17 Grant's Tomb Criterium, New York, NY
4/14 Battenkill-Roubaix, Salem, NY
5/5 Jiminy Peak RR, Stephentown, NY
5/13 Bear Mt. Classic, Harriman State Pk, NY
5/19-20 Can-AM U19 Challenge, Sparta, NJ
5/28 Tour of Somerville, Somerville, NJ
6/9 Balloon Festival, NY State RR Championship, Cambridge, NY
6/17 Harlem Skyscraper, New York, NY
6/17 Housatonic Hills RR, Southbury, CT.
6/29-7/2 Fitchberg Longsjo Classic, Fitchburg, MA
6/30-7/3 Junior National Track Championships, Colorado Springs, CO
7/5-17 National Road Championships, Seven Springs, PA.
7/7 Lou Maltese Memorial, New York, NY
7/17-23 Tour de l'Abitibi, Quebec, Canada
7/21-22 Nicole Reinhart FCCC Tour, Allentown, PA
8/11 NY Capital Region RR, Albany, NY
8/25 GS Mengoni Grand Prix, New York, NY
9/9 Nancy Morganstern Memorial, Harriman State Pk, NY.